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The Art of Natural Forest Practice
Welsh Logo



Begin  at  the  beginning
* When is the best time to visit woodland?         
* What does a healthy woodland look like?          
* What is there to see at Coed Nant Gain?  

Observing  the  natural  forest
* What is the woodland community?               
* Why can thinning damage a woodland?         
* Why is decaying wood so important?           
* Why have some oaks trees multiple stems and others single?
* Why is nature so successful in planting new woodland?     
* What do you mean by“Old-Growth Ancient Wood”?  
* What’s  special  about  woodland  soil?
New Question
**Where are the mycorrhiza hiding?
** Medicinal Herbs of Welsh woodlands

Practise  with  a  helping-hand
* What is Natural Forest Practice?
* As a new owner how on earth do I decide what to do?
* Who decides what is done and how?
* Why are you making glades?  
* Why cut the top off a large tree to make a glade?
* How can the tree-surgeon contribute to forest health?
* What are the dangers of an ill-conceived intervention?
* What can we take without harming the woodland?
* By burning logs am I damaging my woodland?
* Do all  logs burn at the same temperature?
* Why cull grey squirrels?

* Why is doing nothing a conscious decision?
* Have you observed indications of climate
...change in your woodland?